Type of activity
Best Practice
Creative Economy, Economic Development, Tourism, Traditional Knowledge
Start Date
End Date
Connection to other Creative Fields
Craft & Folk Arts, Music
End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all, Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Delivered to the public in November 2023, the Boulevard of Gastronomy constitutes a gastronomic corridor, bringing permanent dynamism to an area in the historic center of Belém, a cultural heritage site of the City. The Boulevard encourages the development of tourism and gastronomy, creating a hub to attract visitors and offer them an immersion in the city's culture, in terms of gastronomy, music, customs and historical
architectural heritage.
Expected outcomes: To strength and preserve the gastronomy culture heritage of the Region, by offering to the general public a hub where traditional food (in restaurants, street snack trucks, producers, etc.) and craftworks are exposed and sold.
Target Audience: Residents, Private sector, Visitors.
Partners: Government, Private sector.
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Colleen Swain
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