Usuki, Japan
Asia & Pacific
Restaurant & Food Establishments
Did you know that Usuki City is the world's largest producer of barley miso (soy paste)?
With a 400-year-plus history of deep-rooted fermentation culture, Usuki City is one of the leading centers of miso and soy sauce production in Japan. The city owes much to its natural blessings-high quality water and a geography suitable for product distribution-for fermentation and brewing as one of its main industries.
In the city, all miso and soy sauce manufacturers, including one with a history of more than 400 years and two of over a century, have preserved their traditions while continually updating them. As a result, local fermentation products are so deeply rooted in the city that Usuki-produced miso and soy sauce are used by most local households and restaurants, and even for school lunches. With a strong determination to devote itself to the manufacture of soy sauce using traditional techniques even in this current age of mass consumption and mass production, one of the local miso and soy sauce manufacturers has created the world's largest traditional wooden soy sauce barrel, championing the tradition of the city of fermentation.
Miso, soy sauce, sake, and other alcoholic beverages as products of the centuries-old fermentation and brewing industry of Usuki City, as well as sustainable local cuisine, are popular both inside and outside the city. In addition, Usuki municipality itself produces mature compost similar to natural leaf mold at its compost center and promotes local production and consumption of organic agricultural products grown with the municipally-made compost with the aim of establishing environmentally friendly, sustainable agriculture and improving the health of citizens.
Hybrid (includes public and private/civil/academy).
Usuki Creative City of Gastronomy Promotion Council which consists of food-related businesses, chefs, food-related residents' groups, educational institutions and so on was established in 2021 and involves in the process of the designation and project implementation to further develop the local food culture.
■ Gastronomy Film Festival
This is a film festival focusing on films related to gastronomy in order to make gastronomy more accessible to many people. In recent years, a farmers' market has been held on the occasion of the film festival under the leadership of an Usuki-based farmers' market organizer, which has contributed to a livelier bustle of visitors to the event.
■ "Open Factory" events
In these events, mainly held in the season of new brews or spirits, four alcoholic beverage manufacturers in the city offer visitors their specialty products. Visitors can not only buy alcoholic products of those companies but also enjoy tastings onsite, as well as savoring them with gourmet dishes served by local restaurants.
■ Miso and soy sauce manufacturer anniversary festival
This is a big annual event held by two major miso and soy sauce manufacturers in Usuki to celebrate the anniversary of their founding. With booths serving dishes using the company's products, this event has contributed to not only fostering friendships between the company's employees but also facilitating interactions between them and local people. Attracting a large number of visitors every year, this festival has been firmly established as a local seasonal staple.
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